Thursday, November 26, 2009

Yes, I am pissed at the media this evening

Stop fricking scaring everyone about the H1N1 vaccine! It's not a big conspiracy, even though people are making money (because that's what drug companies do), and it's not the vaccine's fault that some people don't know what they're allergic to! Drug allergies happen. It's tragic, but it happens.

It doesn't matter if your article is balanced, if the headline scream it'll kill you, that's what people remember.

Oh, and boo freaking who to the people who have a bit of soreness, tiredness, or sniffly noses afterward. I would rather have had the stiffness, and sniffly nose that 7.5 weeks of this shit. Pneumonia, coughing, fever, soreness (way worse than from the bloody shot, I bet) and swelling around the heart is in a fair trade off. Wait, you know another term for swelling around the heart -- or at least what it would've been called if it had gotten any worse? It's called congestive heart failure. Take your stuffy noses and shove it.

For those who don't get the shot, it is totally your choice. It's not a fricking badge of honour to show you're Toughy McToughypants, or look down on the people that do get the shot.

Finally, to the "it's just the flu, suck it up" people: learn your history.

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